What Is the Decapsulation in Processing

In the process of pharmaceutical capsule closing, filled capsule defects appear to be the most troublesome problem. Splits, telescoped capsules, folds and cap tucks occur during capsule closing, causing a possibility of product leaking. When defective capsules are almost inevitable, discarding or regeneration is essential to the cost in the view of capsule manufacturers.


Discarding improperly filled capsules is a huge waste to companies and environment both. Based on the ideal of regeneration, decapsulation comes into this industry. It is an opposite process to encapsulation (capsule filling and closing), aimed to recover medical materials from faulty capsules or categorize them at least. After decapsulation, pharmaceutical materials can be reused into capsule filling. Some of them may be treated with chemicals to reach an Acceptable Quality Level again.

Cutting the capsule open is usually an easy and efficient way to reclaim powder. Another way is to clasp both heads of capsule with metal parts to draw caps away from bodies. However, if the capsule is filled with pellets or granules, decapsulation methods like these would damage inner materials and cause additional processing.


Considering the need to recover intact capsule shell and inner material, Halo Pharmatech invented a machine called Decapsulator to conduct capsule separation.

Based on the pressure differences on both sides of capsules, Decapsulator creates a high-frequency pulsed vacuum inside the machine chamber to keep pulling and drawing capsules, whereby under the effect of air pressure, capsules are opened within a certain period of time. After sieving, powder or pellets will be separated from capsule shells completely. Due to flexible forces instead of mechanical forces, capsule shells and inner materials remain intact and undamaged.

The result of decapsulation is effected by the size, material viscosity of capsules, humidity of storage and other factors. Still, it is incredibly satisfying on the capsule separation. For material reclaiming purpose, Decapsulator is a feasible choice to pharmaceutical manufacturers.

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